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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hey y'all hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday! Today I am participating in the #coast2coastchallenge today and I am so excited! It is about patterns, but I also stayed within blue colors for my accessories which I am so excited to show y'all! Sorry today's writing is short, I have class very soon!
Erin Nicole

Leggings: Cotton On
Hat: Cotton On
Oxfords: Target
Jacket: Tj-max
Tank: Windsor
Bracelet: Kyra's Collection: Exact right here!
Anklet: Victory Jewelry!exact right here!!!
It can also be worn as a bracelet or necklace!!! So versatile!
Both sponsors full web-links can be found on the left hand side under sponsors! 

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

"fall"-ed out from Erin Nicole on Vimeo.
brandys boutique, target, the college girl, theremstore, marykay

Hey y'all don't be sad if you didn't win the giveaway yesterday, I have many more this week!!! I decided to make a video blog because it was just easier!! Oh and I make up my own words.. oh well! & I like to keep things always changing! Hope everyone has a splendid weekend! Love all y'all <3
Erin Nicole
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Friday, October 18, 2013

Hey y'all I am so excited to show off these amazing neon clutches! Perfect to add a pop of color to any outfit!! They are ON SALE RIGHT NOW, and even before they were on sale they were so affordable!!! In today's post I am also excited to show off some gems from Love Michelle! Her pieces are so unique and I just cannot wait to show them off! The Bracelet I am sporting is actually a prayer bracelet that helps remind us to thank the lord, and pray when we sometimes overload our schedule, and become overwhelmed with life. We are allowed to take a step back and breath, pray & balance. The ring is just so unique and has such beautiful meaning behind it! I love that it is also pink for breast cancer awareness.. coincidence.. I think not! I hope you guys enjoy! I am a bit behind since having a kidney infection, I thank y'all for your patience & love all my supporters! Thank you for reading!
Erin Nicole


Shoes: Nine West
Second High tops: Target : $10!!!!
Dress: Tart Collections: Full Site:
Exact Dress: Right Here!!!!!
Hair Tie: Pretty Buns :click here for their site!!
Clutches: Sage & Iris : exact here! ON SALE
Shop our style at!

contact us 

follow us on instagram @shopsageandiris

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hope Y'all have a wonderful Wednesday! I also hope you enjoy the review! P.s. Giveaway going on on my instagram for a beautiful headpiece from Enchanted Lilly!!!! Her shop is here: EnchantedLilly Started yesterday and ends Friday night! SOOOO EASY TO ENTER! my instagram: @xoxerinnicole_
Erin Nicole

Essential Health Expert Review (Enhanced) from Erin Nicole on Vimeo.
exact shirt: right here!
The College Girl: La'China

  • You can find her at her instagram @THECOLLEGEGIRL 
  • or her email:

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Hey y'all thank you all so much for your kind words,  prayers, & thoughts! I am still pretty sore but my kidneys are on their way to healing I hope!!! Lots of water! Anyways I am beyond obsessed with this post for various reasons.. but first lets talk about the poncho.. it is so BOHO-CHIC gypsy feeling.. I just  feel like I am untouchable when I wear it! It is so comfortable and so my style.. I just can't even DEAL That's how obsessed I am with it!!!! Its suede and honestly gives your wardrobe such a lift, as you will see later in the week how I style it again! Its perfect for a beach cover up,  poncho/ shawl for chilly fall nights or even just daily wear for free spirits like myself! The second item that is just as special to me in this post is this hand knit infinity scarf! I love hand-made items, you can just feel the love & effort the person put into it, & I appreciate them. What a talent to make something so beautiful with your own two hands! What a gift!!!  Also… my favorite go-to wear/tear Steve Madden Boots, a now really good friend once bought me. I love them and still wear them every chance I can! I decided to add a pop of color with the lipstick, and I think it worked pretty swell! I found this outfit so rad.. & just couldn't decide or narrow down anymore pictures so I just kept them, usually I try to not have so many so sorry about that guys! Hope you enjoy, I have so many goodies, giveaways, and special surprises for y'all this week! Again love & appreciate each & everyone of my followers, sponsors, mentors, and influencers!


Boots: Steve Madden
Shirt: JcPenny
Hand Knit Infinity Scarf: HooksDoDesign: exact scarf!!!

Cable Sweater Leggings from Shop Brandy's: leggings

Urban Gypsy Designs: Wild Flower Poncho
Follow Urban Gypsy Designs on:

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