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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Talk about your weekend, Tuesday!

Hey guys so today's post is a little different compared to my normal posts! Its an actual glimpse into my amazing weekend! My weekend started of with simple relaxing weekly yoga! I love it.. I used to hate waking up early.. even for lets say shopping.. but after the first few weekends of waking up early for yoga my life has changed! I simply must go every weekend! It helps settle my mind & center my soul! Then I had the pleasure of sleeping in on Sunday & then going out with my family to a freestyle amazing motocross show! I was so intrigued by this show it felt like it was 5 min long it was so amazing! I have always loved dangerous things.. its in my blood I think.. always a wild thing at heart! I always like to live on the edge.. even though as I am maturing I realize its not the best way, but you can still have the adventure & passion for life just without the threat of danger! Anyways I have some pictures and videos! All of which are off my iPhone so not as clear as my usual outfit posts!
Erin Nicole
Love this music video by Ed Sheeran:

My beautiful Mama whose birthday was yesterday! Happy Birthday again! Love ya more than anything! mwah.
My papa and I on the pier for my mamas birthday lunch!

Smooches for the birthday girl! baby brother & my papa

Valentine's Date Night and outfit !
Nuclear Cowboys:
love her <3


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